Monday, April 9, 2012

And I Come Running Back to You

While I ponder what to write on this blog, do enjoy the music on the video above. :)

Basically, it has been a really long time since I wrote a post or even browse to this page. If I remember correctly, it was set up as part of a hype of having a blog. Now that it is mostly dead, with people using FB and Twitter, there really is no need for a blog. But then again, this tool still provides huge loads more content compare to other mentioned services. There is no character limit and no limit to what you want to put on the blog. The only limit is what to put on the blog.

So, you may ask, what is with the blog title? Well, apart from it being a snippet of the song DJ Shah - Back To You (as attached), it just signifies that I will try to return to blogging.

For now, it will just be a placeholder for upcoming posts.

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